Bangalore to Wayanad Bus Package: If you are looking for 2 Days Trip Near Bangalore, you may consider this Bangalore to Wayanad Package by Groowynd. Bangalore to Wayanad distance is 271 km, covered by 6 to 7 hours by bus. Guests will be traveling by overnight bus from Bangalore. The tickets can be booked on your own or you can approach us to get this done. Please note that bus ticketing is not undertaken on short notice. Bangalore to Wayanad bus is available throughout the day, however, it is suggested to travel by night bus to save your time in Wayanad. Bangalore to Wayanad Train is not available. The nearest railway station is Calicut (2.5 hours) and Mysore is also just 3 hours journey. You can travel to Wayanad from Bangalore with Govt Operators like Kerala SRTC, Karnataka SRTC or Private operator Kallada Travels. If you desire, we can help you with booking your bus tickets from Bangalore to Wayanad and for return as well.
In your Tour package to Wayanad Tour Package from Bangalore by Bus, one of the best 2 days trip from Bangalore, our representative will receive you on arrival at Wayanad. Further, guests are transferred to their place of stay. After fresh up, enjoy and experience the amazing Wayanad for two complete days. Major tourist destinations such as Pookot Lake, Banasura Sagar Dam, Soochipara Waterfalls, Edakkal Caves, Heritage museum etc will be covered in two days. The trip can also be customized based on the guest’s preference and requirements. On the second day evening, guests will be dropped back at the bus stop for travel back to Bangalore from Wayanad. We take care of your accommodation, entire sightseeing and local assistance in Wayanad. For details of the Wayanad Package from other destinations click on our link of Wayanad Tour Packages. If you are looking for a combo of Wayanad with any other South Indian destination you may click on South India Tour Packages to know available options or write to
Bangalore to Wayanad Bus Package Booking
If you are planning do Bangalore to Wayanad Bus Package Booking, you may write to or WhatsApp to +91 9747007479 with the following details
- Your Name.
- Email Id.
- Date of Travel & No of Nights.
- No of Adults and Children (with Age).
We will get back to you with the availability of Wayanad Packages by bus from Bangalore with Best Rates.
You have mentioned very interesting details! ps nice web site.
So unique